
Heinz Kerry Isn’t the Only One Speaking Out

It does appear everyone has an opinion about Teresa Heinz Kerry, and as I read your Aug. 1 article, “It Seems Everybody Has an Opinion About Her,” I recalled my reaction to her speech at the Democratic National Convention. She described being raised under a dictatorship and noted that her father was not able to vote until he was 71 years old.

As Heinz Kerry stood before thousands of people of every race and religion and described how wonderful America is and how much she values its freedom, I was happy that Al Jazeera was broadcasting from the convention. Many in the Middle East needed to hear those words, and they needed to hear it from someone with her background.

So although Republicans criticize her for speaking her mind, I say let her talk. Heinz Kerry is both intelligent and sincere when praising the American freedom and rights we hope to bring to Iraq.


Kathy Kinsey

Los Angeles


Maybe Heinz Kerry doesn’t know the difference between “opinionated” and arrogant (a la Hillary Clinton), or “opinionated” and rude (a la “shove it”). I am anti-media also, but I’m not trying to buy or bully my way into the White House with a “to hell with everyone else” attitude.

William Buffington

Woodland Hills


Regarding the opinions of Sally Williams’ husband and brother in your story about Heinz Kerry that “she was kind of a know-it-all”: How pathetic we men must be to dis a woman merely because of her superior knowledge or intellect.

How even more pathetic this country will be if it reelects President Bush because his wife knows her place.


Jamie Nichols

Santa Barbara


Did Republicans complain about Heinz Kerry’s actions when she was married to a Republican senator?


Kurtzman Gilbert

Los Angeles
