
Readers recommend

Morocco: Tour experts

Gateway2Morocco, 317 Monte Carlo Drive, Newport Beach, CA 92660; (949) 719-7724, “We’re happy to sing the praises of this tour company that took great care of us throughout a journey in Morocco, a country of unparalleled natural beauty. Its historical, cultural and religious heritage makes it a unique place to visit. Gateway2Morocco made it easy, with reasonable prices and outstanding service.” Ten-day tour, including air transportation from New York City, starts at $1,625 per person, double occupancy (single surcharge $230).

Donna Henderson

Trabuco Canyon

Australia: Great views

Coral Point Lodge, 54 Harbour Ave., PMB 56 Mackay Mail Centre, Shute Harbour, Queensland 4802; 011-61-749-469500, fax 011-61-749-469469. “This lodge off Airlie Beach is a great stop for anyone heading for the Whitsunday Islands. It has gorgeous views of the harbor and is run by a helpful local family. Also, balconies, refrigerators, pool and color TV. A visual treat for travelers.” Doubles start at $59.

Francie Hansen

Newport Beach

Send recommendations to “Readers Recommend”/Travel, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012; fax (213) 237-7355, e-mail travel@la

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