
Lopsided Tax Cuts Reflect GOP Priorities

Re “Bush Just Talks the Talk on Security,” Commentary, May 28: Stephen Schulhofer is right on the money. In the movie “All the President’s Men,” Deep Throat kept saying, “Follow the money.” That same adage applies to the current mess that the Republicans are making of our economy. A budget, besides being a spending plan, is a clear statement of priorities.

The Bush priorities have never changed -- the wealthy, the wealthy, the wealthy. When they start spending on security, it will be a priority; until then, it is all hot air. Clearly President Bush and Bush Sr. just don’t get it. But we the American people are getting it, and it will hurt. It is the economy, stupid!

Len Lawrence



The Bush administration’s assertion that his lopsided tax cut for the investor class will stimulate job growth overlooks the other major component of his domestic policy. That being the concerted effort to scare the bejesus out of us on a daily basis via orange alerts and a sensationalist media. Anyone lucky or, more accurately, wealthy enough to receive this tax break will most likely sock it away for the rainy days we all know are coming fast.


Mark Anthony Galluzzo



It embitters and angers me to hear the Democrats whine and go ballistic over the tax-reduction bill. They made certain it would contain twilight provisions to end it in three to six years. They make it clear that they are the party of “tax-spend-misinformation.” Hard-earned money belongs to workers, not the government, and will help the overall economy if the earners have it to spend.

The Democrats’ admitted hatred of business and success shows their ignorance. Companies employ workers, who in turn are taxpayers. The more workers, the more taxpayers. Their continued deceit and lies are some of the reasons I am no longer a Democrat.

Art Tuber

San Diego


It is hard to imagine that a tax cut of $320 billion could have much of an impact on the economy, since the $1.2-trillion tax cut has done nothing but sink the government in red ink. Since interest rates are at historic lows, wouldn’t it make more sense to give the tax cut to the little guy and let the wealthy (corporations and citizens) borrow to build more capacity to sell goods and services to those of us who are not in the top 20%?


Richard Cornez



Interesting that the May 23 commentary by former Clinton national economic advisor Gene Sperling, “Fiscal Death by 1,000 Tax Cuts,” did not once mention spending cuts.

John Crowley

Redondo Beach
