
There Are Many Ways to Practice Eugenics

Re “Excavate the Past to Make Amends for an Old Sin,” Opinion, July 6: Tony Platt’s essay on eugenics and sterilization in the past was very much to the point. And unfortunately, it’s not dead. Platt failed to mention that Margaret Sanger was one of the leading advocates of eugenics and sterilization in her day. While it is not fair to describe today’s Planned Parenthood as primarily motivated by these considerations, nor to attribute these motives to most “pro-choice” people, the popularity of Planned Parenthood among business and corporate donors that support no other “liberal” or “leftist” cause makes you wonder what their motives are.

And if you follow biotechnology, the development of “designer genes” and so on, it is clear that we are headed for a bioethical “eugenics” crisis that’s different from the one we faced in the 1930s but just as radical. No, this was not just some misdeed of our unenlightened ancestors. It could happen again.

Howard Ahmanson



Most don’t realize that we are participating in eugenics right now -- the opposite form. By providing free medical care, food stamps and other benefits to poor pregnant women and leaving educated and responsible women to do everything for themselves, we are encouraging one group over another to have babies. I say let’s not encourage/discourage anyone to have babies by giving them benefits. Those who can’t afford children should feel the sting of their irresponsible actions and not hold society hostage for their mistakes.


Linda Hackney

Long Beach
