
Fresh Produce’s Benefits Outweigh Any Threat

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“World Sneezes; U.S. Diners Get Sick” (Opinion, Nov. 30) grossly exaggerated the public health concern associated with consuming fresh fruits and vegetables based on an isolated, rare outbreak linked to only one small produce commodity. We understand the need to educate consumers about the current hepatitis outbreak, but Madeline Drexler’s comments about the safety of fresh produce and of possible sources of contamination were irresponsible.

Her piece actually poses greater danger to most people’s health by deterring them from consuming at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day, the No. 1 public health message of federal health authorities today.

Everyone in the supply chain is responsible for food safety. Our industry takes this charge very seriously and is proud of the contribution we make to the health of consumers.


Donna M. Garren

Vice President, Scientific

and Technical Affairs

United Fresh Fruit

and Vegetable Assn.

