
Williams’ Death Leaves Questions

Of all the people who wanted answers from Kevin Williams, his mother said she needed them most. When Williams, also known as Miles Dabord, died Friday night at Scripps Hospital in Chula Vista, the questions about his involvement in the South Pacific disappearances of his only sibling, former NBA player Bison Dele, and two others became more difficult to resolve.

“I’ll continue living with it as I have thus far--only now, I know this is the way it will be forever,” said Patricia Phillips, the mother of Williams and Dele. “Sometimes, you aren’t meant to know things. So, you just construct your life around what you do know and try your best to move forward. That’s all I can do.”

Kevin Williams, 35, was deemed by French Polynesian police to be the primary suspect in the early July disappearances of Dele, his girlfriend, Serena Karlan, and boat captain Bertrand Saldo. Williams was sailing with the three.


But law enforcement officials were never able to press Williams for an official story. Williams was found comatose in Tijuana and transported to Scripps on Sept. 15. Doctors told Phillips he had suffered massive brain damage after overdosing on insulin and not taking his asthma medication. Surrounded by a cousin, close friend and former girlfriend, Williams died at 7:45 p.m. Friday, approximately 33 hours after being removed from life support.

Phillips was summoned to the hospital early Friday from her Santa Monica home, but traffic kept her from arriving until 10:40 p.m. Williams will be cremated, Phillips said, and his ashes spread along with those of her mother and sister at a memorial garden she is planning near Ashville, N.C.

A private ceremony for Dele and Williams is planned for Oct. 12 at Trinity Baptist Church in West Los Angeles.
