

* The Nasdaq Stock Market must wait until Oct. 11 to open its SuperMontage trading system because Instinet Group Inc. certified that it wants to use an alternative system.

The Securities and Exchange Commission, in giving final approval to SuperMontage last week, said Nasdaq could open the new platform Friday if none of its rival trading systems wanted to use the National Assn. of Securities Dealers’ so-called Alternative Display Facility.

* Archer Daniels Midland Co.’s $394.4-million bid to buy its biggest rival in the U.S. ethanol market, Minnesota Corn Processors, was approved by the Justice Department.


* Honda Motor Co.’s Insight and Civic gasoline-electric cars joined Toyota Motor Corp.’s Prius in qualifying for a $2,000 U.S. tax deduction under a program to encourage sales of low-pollution cars and trucks. Buyers of new 2001, 2002 and 2003 Insights and 2003 Civic hybrids can claim the income tax deduction for the year in which the car first was put to use, the Internal Revenue Service said.
