
Little Fear of Becoming a ‘Heathen’ Nation

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Re “Teens’ Rite of Passage Can Include Their Faith,” Oct. 19: Your highlight of a quote by Promise Keepers founder Bill McCartney that, with the current state of indifference among teenage boys to declaring Jesus their “personal savior” (whatever that means), the U.S. will become a “heathen nation,” makes me think you have taken a page out of the Rev. Jerry Falwell “open mouth, insert foot” handbook.

Spirituality in the U.S. is not predicated on how many people accept fundamentalist Christianity. There are plenty of Jews, Muslims and Buddhists, not to mention those of us on a spiritual path who don’t care to join organized religion, who are fully capable of preventing the U.S. from becoming a “heathen” nation. Instead of highlighting this limited thinking, how about bringing us more from religious or just plain spiritual teachers who can help us to model tolerance for the rest of the world?

Mary Jeanne Hawes

Newport Beach
