
Plenty of Rain, Wind as Kyle Kisses S.C. Shore

From Associated Press

After wandering deep in the Atlantic for three weeks, Tropical Storm Kyle sideswiped the South Carolina coast Friday, swamping streets and homes with as much as 8 inches of rain and packing destructive winds.

The storm’s center passed across Charleston Harbor, the first tropical system to do so since Hurricane Hugo hit the state in 1989.

The storm was moving north parallel to the coast with sustained winds of 45 mph.

In Clarendon County, between Charleston and Columbia, roads were washed out after about 6 inches of rain fell.


About a dozen people were rescued from homes surrounded by rising water, said Colleen Gates, the county’s emergency preparedness director.

In Berkeley County, close to Charleston, about 8 inches of rain flooded several homes, a grocery store and a senior citizen center.
