
Grass-Roots Giving Sets a Good Example

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Re “Archdiocese Sets a Poor Example With Cutbacks,” Voices, Sept. 28: Perhaps it was an oversight, but Jeffrey Siker neglected to tell us what percentage of his salary he has given to Catholic Charities over the last few years so as to prevent any cutbacks in the programs that Jesus--speaking in “a particularly haunting manner”--tells us to support.

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese can only give to the poor what we Catholics give to the archdiocese for that purpose. We Catholics will be happy to follow your example, professor. How much did you give? If you personally gave to the extent that you say this goal deserves, I’ll listen to you.

Jeremiah J. Flanigan

Long Beach


In reference to Siker’s article: The detention ministry is not being eliminated. Rather, the paid staff has been cut in half, from 24 to 12. This is, of course, a very significant cutback because there will only be half the former staff to supervise and assist the 1,400 volunteer ministers who actually do most of the visiting. With this ratio of supervisors to volunteers, the volunteers will obviously be very much on their own. However, the program continues, even in reduced form.


Walter S. Fisher

Palos Verdes Estates
