
Overtime Pay for Chicago Teachers Is Investigated

From Associated Press

Three teachers who each took home more than $60,000 in overtime pay last year are under investigation by the Chicago Board of Education.

It is unclear whether the Chicago teachers did anything wrong, but school officials said they plan reforms to prevent “excessive” overtime payments. They have been removed from the projects that generated the overtime.

“This kind of practice will not be tolerated,” said schools chief Arne Duncan.

Last year, one teacher made $73,549 in overtime on top of her $80,355 salary, according to school records published Thursday by the Chicago Tribune. Another teacher added $63,036 in overtime to her $80,355 salary, and the third teacher took home $88,428 in overtime and $55,277 in salary.


A Chicago schools spokesman said projects that have generated lots of overtime pay for teachers will be assigned during regular hours.
