
Let Santa Ana Voters Decide Lopez’s Future

Re “Trustees Seek Probe of Lopez Recall Effort,” Nov. 13:

Nativo Lopez is sweating his last days on the Santa Ana school board. The defeat of Nadia Davis, who frequently voted with the incompetent and perceived corrupt majority, has John Palacio, Sal Tinajero and Lopez searching for a legislative intervention for the recall set Feb. 4. The district attorney found no evidence of fraud. Neither did the Orange County registrar of voters, who certified more than 9,000 signatures.

State lawmakers and Atty. Gen. Bill Lockyer must reject the request for an investigation. They should be focusing their energy on resolving the state’s huge deficit, energy crisis, and investigating the carpool ramp linking the San Diego and Costa Mesa freeways that will cost the taxpayers more than $10 million to repair.

As for Lopez, be a true public servant and allow Santa Ana voters to exercise their right to decide your fate on Feb. 4.


Desi Reyes

Santa Ana
