
Saints? Not all

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I do not understand why William Langewiesche is being attacked for simply telling us what he observed in the aftermath of Sept. 11 (“A firestorm over hallowed ground,” by J. Michael Kennedy, Nov. 19). The idea that all police, fire, rescue and emergency personnel are, by definition, brave, honest, ethical and heroic is laughable! These are professions, and as with all professions, the vast majority are good people trying to make the world a better place; and a minority are abusive, corrupt, dishonest, arrogant, repulsive and think of themselves as above the law.

Langewiesche’s responsibility as a journalist is to report what he sees, not sugarcoat it to fit the New York Fire Department’s public relations profile. The real question is, why do these public service agencies feel the need to discredit anyone who dares to question whether there are unworthy members within their ranks?

Brian Hickman

Long Beach
