
Gene Simmons

* The singer and bassist for the rock band KISS has also developed a new magazine called Gene Simmons’ Tongue, which debuts in June.

Craving Cake: I like the Grill in the middle of Beverly Hills for lunch. It’s a film sort of hangout. I also like Mr. Chow for lunch. Usually, I eat I’ve-got-to-watch-my-girlish- figure-type food because when I finish a meal, I get a really bad sweet tooth. Food doesn’t really do all that much for me. I don’t have pasta or butter or any of that stuff. However, I am thoroughly addicted to sweets, but not all kinds. I particularly crave Viennese cakes and bapka. Bapka is a kind of heavy pastry, like a Danish. Imagine an entire cake with that consistency. I get that at Jewish bakeries. Canter’s on Fairfax is terrific because before you walk into the restaurant, you have to pass that gantlet of pastry.

Bowling for Danish: I love bowling, especially at the alley next to Jerry’s Deli in the Valley, because you can go in and bowl and then go next door and gorge on pastries. You see, it always comes back to pastries and Danishes.


Kid Time: I have two kids--two that I know of--and I’ve got to spend time with them too. We do real cornball things. We eat together. We talk over the day’s stuff. When my daughter gets into her I-gotta-get-to-sleep mode, then I tell her stories almost every night. When we go out, I take them bowling or to Benihana, very few exotic things. They don’t come on tour with me. I mean, they have for one or two shows, but it’s not the place for kids.

Clean Living: My life is my recreation, but as far as working out, I go to Billy Blanks to do my cardio for an hour. That will knock me out. Or I climb up Runyon Canyon, that mountaintop in Hollywood, right off of Fuller near Franklin. I don’t smoke, never have, and I don’t drink alcohol. I have never been drunk in my life.

More About Cake: Sundays, if I have a meeting, I like the Bel-Air Hotel, the little garden out there. They make great granola and they do it right there on the spot, so it’s fresh. They put blueberries in it. Love that. And of course, they have great cake. The guy who invents cake that tastes like a great Danish, and which is actually nonfat, is going to be very rich. I’ll make sure of that. I worship cake. Jews tend to, you know. It’s not about, “Hey man, do you want to go get a drink?” I don’t think Jews say “man” or talk about drinks too much. It’s more about cake.
