
Scheer on Ashcroft: Who Crossed the Line?

Re “The Job Has Become Too Big for Ashcroft,” Commentary, May 28: I am no big fan of Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft. However, to suggest that Ashcroft’s faith biased his view of Islamic terrorists is at best disingenuous and at worst downright bigoted. Next time Robert Scheer feels like calling someone an extremist, I would suggest he look in the mirror.

Nicholas Buccola

Thousand Oaks


This time I agree with Scheer--Ashcroft is as fanatical as the Taliban. Imagine paying thousands of dollars to have a blue curtain cover the semi-nude figure artwork in his building.

The old Republicans didn’t know what they were doing when they sucked in those Dixiecrats after President Lyndon Johnson signed the civil rights bill. Teddy Roosevelt must be turning over in his grave.


Mary C. Thomas

Garden Grove
