
Yes? No!: The Sequel

As boring as last Sunday evening’s “L.A. Law: The Movie” was, it was immensely more entertaining than any of the three Yes concerts I attended in the ‘70s--what a snore.

It’s no wonder an extremely talented musician like Rick Wakeman left the band early on. He must have run out of money or something to now rejoin these guys (Letters, April 28, May 5, May 12).

Hey guys, ever heard of the words “stage presence” or “showmanship”?

I guess you never saw early Bowie or early Who, or even any show by the Clash, the Pretenders, the Boss or U2.


Ever wonder why the talented Trevor Horn and Trevor Rabin also made quick departures?

“The greatest band ever”? Not even in the top 100, considering lesser-known but more talented bands like Big Star, the Replacements, the Plimsouls, Midnight Oil and X, but Yes? No thank you.

If I ever hear “I’ve Seen All Good People” again, I’m throwing my radio out the window.


Santa Ana
