
The Hollywood Bug

The “Spider-Man” movie is a complete betrayal for real comic book fans. Hollywood doesn’t know what to do with comic book movies. They gave the “Spider-Man” project to a tried-and-true Hollywood blockbuster writer, David Koepp. He is a big-budget guy. He is not a comic book guy. There was too much money at risk for the studio to give it to an actual comic book writer. They gave this quirky material to someone who could smooth it out and give it the standard action-movie beats.

Now people are going to think this is Spider-Man. It looks like him, but the soul was bled out. Director Sam Raimi did a “don’t drop the camera” type of job. Remember “Evil Dead”? Remember “Darkman”? There is not one ounce of that style in this film.

Please, big Hollywood studios, just leave this material alone. You ruin it.


