
Charge Against Girl Shot by Officer Dropped

A knife-wielding girl who was shot by a Ventura police officer last weekend at her foster home remained hospitalized Tuesday and was talking with mental health experts, authorities said.

The 14-year-old, who police declined to name because of her age, was being treated for three gunshot wounds to her abdomen in an acute care unit at Ventura County Medical Center, authorities said.

The girl was shot by Officer Kristin Rupp about 10:30 p.m. Sunday when she allegedly refused orders to drop the knife and moved toward Rupp in a threatening manner, authorities said.


The girl was arrested on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon but police have withdrawn the charge pending further review, said Sgt. Brock Avery.

“It’s not being pursued at this point because she is a ward of the court,” Avery said.

Police officials said a preliminary report on the shooting would be released today, and that Rupp, 23, may opt to return to work as early as next week. She is on paid leave, which is police policy.

When she is released from the hospital, the teen will be placed in a county children’s psychiatric hospital for further evaluation, mental health officials said Tuesday.


The girl, a native of China, moved in with her foster family about a month ago, after living in other homes outside the county, officials said.
