
Campaign Values on the California Trail

Re “Bush to Campaign for Simon in State,” April 28: President Bush is in California for the next couple of days to help raise $3 million for Republican coffers. Last week he was in Crawford, Texas, and the week before that he was all over the Midwest helping Republican candidates who want to run for Congress.

Question: How much does it cost the American taxpayer on a daily basis when the president decides to go mobile?

Rick Conrad

Los Angeles


So, Dubya comes to California because he wants us to support his party and possibly his own campaign by electing Bill Simon Jr., who was not his choice for governor. Not so long ago we really needed Dubya to visit us. We needed help with our severe energy crisis, partly brought on by his friends, cronies and contributors. Bush, however, refused. I’m no big fan of Gov. Gray Davis, but I plan on sending Bush a message by not voting for Simon. Note to Mr. Bush: Stay home!


Phil Rowland

South Pasadena


Re “Abortion Issue Is a Plus for Davis,” April 27: OK, we get the point. Davis is a sensitive ‘90s guy, Simon is an evil woman-hater, yadda yadda yadda. Now could we have an article that mentions women like me, who would rather bite their fingers off than vote for Davis? Women who support equal rights for unborn women as well, and who don’t want to see 1.3 million children die each year?

Rose Hodge



Go, Davis, go! Expose Simon for what he is--an audacious candidate with a moral concern about a woman’s right to choose (and let’s finish the sentence) the extermination of her innocent, unwanted child. Your desperate campaign has finally found a little leg to stand on, courtesy of the lives of countless unborn babies.

Arlene Platten

Redondo Beach
