
Economy Will Affect Capistrano Teachers

Re “Development Would at Least Bring High School,” Letters, March 24:

Frank Weirath’s comments on negotiations between the Capistrano Unified School District and the Capistrano Unified Education Assn. left out a significant fact. During the 2000-01 school year, the board of trustees granted teachers a 13% raise in addition to the automatic 2% hike teachers receive for each year of service.

Last year’s settlement was the highest salary increase granted to teachers in any of Orange County’s 28 school districts. Trustees were happy to grant such an increase because it demonstrates the respect the district has for teachers.

We are asking our teachers to understand that times are different. The economy is not what it was a year ago. We are asking that teachers bear with us and have more reasonable expectations in this time of great fiscal challenge.


James A. Fleming


Capistrano Unified

School District
