
Bishop Assailed on Exhibit’s Abortion-Holocaust Linkage

Associated Press

A Jewish community leader is criticizing a Catholic bishop for backing a graphic photo display that links abortion with the Holocaust and racial violence.

The planned display is offensive to Jews and others, said Rabbi Daniel Fink of Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel.

In a letter to Catholic Bishop Michael Driscoll, Fink said the display is, “racist, anti-Semitic and extremely offensive.”


The 12 photos, each 8 feet wide by 4 feet high, depict aborted fetuses alongside corpses in Nazi death camps and black lynching victims. Captions make such analogies as: “Ungentile, Unwhite, Unborn” and “Religious Choice, Racial Choice, Reproductive Choice.”

The exhibit by an antiabortion group, the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform of Anaheim, is scheduled for April 8-12 at Boise State University. A university official defended the school’s decision to allow the exhibit.

Driscoll said he found nothing objectionable with the images, because while they are “gruesome,” so is abortion.
