
Take in Views From Las Virgenes Trail

For good views of the Santa Monica Mountains, ascend Las Virgenes View Trail. The path traverses the new Las Virgenes View Park, a stone’s throw east of popular Malibu Creek State Park.

Dedicated less than a year ago, the trail is a successful partnership among the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, Las Virgenes Municipal Water District and the city of Calabasas.

No marker announces the beginning of the path, but a thicket of other signs along the way has much to proclaim: “Calabasas, population 27,165.” (Wow. Hard to believe the town has grown so much.)


“Tree City, USA.” (Good show.)

“Environmental Enhancement Mitigation Program Site.” (Say what?)

“Watch for Future Trails Planning.” (We will.)

An interpretive display at the trail head describes the flora and fauna. On a recent morning I observed a surprising number of animals: a western fence lizard basking on a sunny rock, a red-tailed hawk flying over grasslands, mule deer browsing the brush, an acorn woodpecker rat-a-tat-tatting against a tree trunk, a coyote jogging along a ridge. It seemed incongruous that this wildlife show plays out within sight of U.S. 101.

The interpretive display leaves out one animal: the cow. Cattle graze Las Virgenes View Park and the surrounding private property.

On my hike, one black-and-white bovine blocked a narrow part of the path. We faced off, me waiting for it to climb into the brush so I could continue along the trail, the steer waiting for me to do the same. (The animal with the patience--and the horns--prevailed.)


The new park preserves major plant communities common to the Santa Monica Mountains, including chaparral, oak and a riparian zone highlighted by sycamore, black cottonwood, willow and bay. A valley grassland contains rare purple needle grass and blue-eye grass, two native species that have survived two centuries of cattle grazing.

Directions to the trail head: From U.S. 101 in Calabasas, exit on Las Virgenes Road and go south three miles to Mulholland Highway. Las Virgenes View Trail begins at the intersection’s northeast corner, where parking is limited. A better place to park is the southwestern corner, on the border of Malibu Creek State Park.

Be careful at this intersection. Traffic moves at high speeds.

The hike: Las Virgenes View Trail ascends north, more or less parallel to Las Virgenes Road. Contemplate the scenery from a trailside bench a quarter of a mile into the hike. After three-quarters of a mile from the starting point, an intriguing section of trail wanders along a narrow ledge.


As the path twists and turns, the cacophony of city life recedes, though views of Calabasas and the freeway get clearer. The trail reaches a ridge and bends south along a fence. Sights include Castro Peak and Goat Buttes in Malibu Creek State Park and Saddle Peak to the southeast. Follow the trail as it loops atop the ridge and return the way you came.


For more of John McKinney’s tips, visit
