

* Tuesday, Mortgage Bankers Assn. of America opens annual housing summit at Ronald Reagan Building; speakers include HUD Secretary Mel Martinez.

* Tuesday, Senate could consider new mileage standards for cars and trucks as part of energy bill. Consideration of proposed drilling in Alaskan wilderness possible later in the week.

* Wednesday, House takes up Class Action Fairness Act, a business-sector priority aimed at curbing class-action suits.


* Wednesday, U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Manhattan holds hearing on proposal to sell assets of Global Crossing Ltd. to Asian bidders.

* Wednesday, House Financial Services Committee considers the Corporate and Auditing Accountability Act.

* Thursday, Consumer Federation of America holds annual assembly at the Washington Plaza Hotel.


* Thursday, Sens. Ernest F. Hollings (D-S.C.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.) square off at Commerce Committee hearing on future of Amtrak.

* Thursday, Senate Banking Committee holds hearing on accounting principles and audit quality, with the chairman of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants testifying.

* Thursday, Senate Labor Committee considers legislation to have government assume some of retiree health and pension costs of the steel industry.
