
Such a Long Honeymoon Definitely in Order

Former Laker A.C. Green, famous for practicing abstinence before marriage, tied the knot April 20 in Laguna Niguel, and it has been one long honeymoon ever since.

“It has been an incredible two months,” Green told the Portland Tribune, the city’s twice-weekly alternative paper.

Besides all that, A.C. and Veronique Green have been to Fiji, Miami, the Caribbean and Spain since their wedding at the Ritz-Carlton.


“Being married and all that comes with it has been wonderful,” said Green, 38. “It was worth the wait.”

The A.C. Green Youth Foundation sponsors a Web site,, promoting abstinence.

Current quote: “Abstinence makes the heart grow fonder.”

Trivia time: What Olympic swimmer--perhaps more famous as a surfer--will be featured on a new 37-cent stamp?

It’s over: As far as Tony Kornheiser of the Washington Post is concerned, the World Cup ended before it ended.


“The fever broke when Germany took an insurmountable lead of 1-0 against the United States, and went on to win, 1-0. Immediately thereafter, cries of ‘Check, please!’ were heard all over America and tens of millions of people went back to the real world, leaving the Soccer Poets to roam the pitch alone.”

Counterpoint: From Tim Kawakami of the San Jose Mercury News: “You don’t have to await, or fear, the arrival of soccer as a major sport in America. It’s already here.

“If you don’t see it or hear it, you are listening to the wrong language or looking in the wrong places--which is growing harder to do in the most multicultural society in the history of the world.”


Baby Jordan: Already, Michael Jordan’s oldest son, 13-year-old Jeffrey, is 5 feet 9 and recently played in the AAU 13-and-under national tournament.

“Heir Jordan,” Jay Mariotti of the Chicago Sun-Times dubbed him.

Parents and coaches are urging people to allow Jeffrey--a left-hander, unlike his father--to be a kid like any other.

“They tease him like they tease everyone else,” said one of his coaches, Mike Weinstein. “Sometimes, they’ll ask him for shoes, but otherwise, he’s just one of the kids.”

A little Bull goes a long way: By now you probably know a marketing man advised Jay Williams--known as Jason at Duke--to go by a shortened version of his name in the NBA to avoid confusion. (There’s that touchy matter of former New Jersey Net Jayson Williams facing a manslaughter charge.) Jay Williams--taken second overall by Chicago in the NBA draft--is rolling with it.

“My friends are calling me ‘The Artist Formerly Known as Jason,’ ” he told the Newark Star-Ledger.

Trivia answer: Hawaiian Duke Kahanamoku, the father of modern surfing and winner of the 100-meter freestyle at the 1912 and 1920 Olympics.


And finally: A parting blow from Kornheiser: “And don’t you dare say that anyone who doesn’t kneel at the altar of soccer is prejudiced against international sports and foreign athletes. We’ve got lots of foreign athletes playing an international sport right here. It’s called the NBA.”
