
Homeowners Could Rely on Props. 60, 90

“Sellers Market Tightens as Homeowners Won’t Let Go” [July 7] pointed out that many homeowners are wary of selling properties with a pre-Proposition 13 assessment and then finding themselves paying higher taxes on a replacement property. That’s something to consider.

But it should be noted that Proposition 60 (and the lesser-used Proposition 90 involving moving to another county) does allow homeowners 55 or older a one-time purchase that could result in the transfer of a Proposition 13 value from one property to another without an increase in taxes.

Information about these propositions can be obtained by logging on to our Web site at and accessing the Property Owners Overview Section, by calling toll-free to (888) 807-2111 or by visiting any of our offices to obtain the Senior Citizens Replacement Dwelling Benefit brochure.


Rick Auerbach

County Assessor

Los Angeles
