
State Heat Wave Puts Davis in the Hot Seat

Re “Heat Wave, Power Plant Crash Sap State’s Electricity Supplies,” July 11: Last year, we put up with rolling blackouts and dramatic increases in our electricity bills that will be the norm for decades. We watched Gov. Gray Davis and his people make deals to supposedly correct the electricity problem. We watched them spend billions of state surplus dollars to pay for the deals, only to plunge this state into billions of dollars worth of debt. We watched PG&E; and Edison crumble. Davis assured us that the electricity problems were solved.

On July 9, Californians were once again warned that the entire state was under a Stage 1 alert concerning possible electricity shortages. The very next day, we were warned that the state was on a Stage 2 alert, and that rolling blackouts may very well be necessary. I shudder to think about what kind of alerts August and September will bring.

Thanks, Gray, for all your leadership. While I’m not quite ready to vote for Bill Simon in November, I’ll cast a write-in vote for Scooby-Doo instead of Davis.


Mike Bultsma

