
Modesty Drapes for Justice Dept. Statues

Re “Justice Dept. Puts Statues Under Wraps,” Jan. 29: Let me get this straight. Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft recuses himself from the Enron issue; something to hide? Now, he decides that there is something more important to hide. He protects us from some of our country’s historic artwork by purchasing $8,000 in drapes to cover nude statues that have been in place for some 70 years. When did his job become one of being art critic and moral arbiter for our nation? The hiding of the artwork is reminiscent of the type of judgments made by the Taliban. Isn’t it time that he focused on the duties of the job and paid more attention to legal judgments rather than religious judgments?

Raymond J. Malispina

Fountain Valley


Forget the drapes. Just put blindfolds on the statues so they cannot view Ashcroft.

Joan Martin

Woodland Hills


The $8,000 spent on the blue drapes covering Lady Spirit of Justice and her mate could have been saved. The statues could have been covered with blue burkas discarded by liberated Afghan women. This could be most symbolic, and Ashcroft would be spared future embarrassment.

Helga Kasimoff

Los Angeles
