
Prop. 45 Would Dismantle Term Limits

Re “A ‘No’ Vote Could Bring Back Willie Brown,” Feb. 13: Prop. 45 is a scam to undermine and eventually dismantle term limits by politicians and special interests. The proponents say that “term limits have reinvigorated the political process by promoting full participation and bringing a breath of fresh air to California government,” yet they propose a proposition that would undermine it. To allow a legislator to be returned to office for four years more than allowed by term limits, because his constituents like him, would result in all legislators taking advantage of this option. The next step would be another proposition to further dismantle term limits on the basis of some other specious argument.

The real motive of Prop. 45 can be found in the list of politicians and special interest donors in support of the proposition who would benefit by the dismantling of term limits. The donors include the Democratic Party, Democratic politicians, organized labor, regulated industries (financial, tobacco, alcohol, gambling, insurance, energy, etc.) and trial lawyers. Prop. 45 is a scam and should not be approved.

Stanley R. Kleinman

