
State Representatives Are Out of Touch

On Aug. 6, I went to our capital as a representative of more than 43,000 California residents who would be affected by a bill being presented to the state Senate Judiciary Committee. I waited over six hours until the bill was heard, and in the middle of my testimony the chairwoman of the committee, Sen. Martha M. Escutia (D-Whittier), walked out. Aside from being disrespectful to me, she showed contempt for California residents.

To compound the situation, on a committee of seven, only two senators were present to hear the testimony, and two voted without hearing it. So why does the Legislature conduct public hearings, creating cost and wasted time for those who wish to be heard? Do our elected officials believe they are beyond the influence of the electorate, or is it that they just don’t care? Wait until next election.

Joseph S. Silverman

Los Angeles
