
Capistrano Unified Can Afford Teacher Raises

Re “Economy Will Affect Capistrano Teachers,” Letters, March 31:

Supt. James A. Fleming’s comments on negotiations between the Capistrano Unified School District and the Capistrano Unified Education Assn. left out three significant facts.

First, teachers received a 10% salary increase last year, not 13%. Next, Fleming said teachers receive an automatic yearly raise. During the past 20 years, I’ve had only three automatic raises, the last coming nine years ago.

The district finished the school year with $10 million in reserves, double what the state requires, and has received an additional 4% this year. Capistrano has a decade-long history of being one of the last districts to settle in the county. This year, it’s the same old story.


Richard Broberg

Teacher, Capistrano Unified

School District
