
Different Issues for Metrolink, CenterLine

Re “Union Pacific Blamed for Delays,” March 13:

What in the world is Metrolink thinking? Are they under the misconception that this is a light-rail system? They’re sure trying to run it like one. It’s impossible for big trains, including Metrolink, to slow down, stop and get up to speed again every five minutes to pick up passengers. Metrolink won’t increase ridership with the addition of all these stations. The result will be trains taking longer than it does to drive. If Metrolink wants to run a light-rail system, it should use the proper equipment. If Metrolink wants to increase ridership,it must do something about the travel time.

Barbara Phillips

San Juan Capistrano


Re “CenterLine Is No Solution to Traffic,” March 10:

The Orange County Transportation Authority has long trumpeted the CenterLine as beneficial to the residents of Orange County. OCTA also contends that mitigation efforts will reduce impacts on Orange County residents. But, no matter how much reduction is achieved, it will be worse unless the reduction is all the way to zero impact. Anything less will leave Orange County worse off.

Trujillo Escareno

