
Man Convicted of Carjacking and Escape

From Times Staff Reports

A man who escaped from a police car on the way to the Orange County Jail in August was convicted Tuesday of carjacking a catering truck carrying two women and a child.

The Orange County Superior Court jury took less that a day to find Abraham Derian, 26, guilty of three counts of carjacking, one count of escape and numerous theft charges.

Prosecutors said the Montebello man was in a patrol car on the way to the jail Aug. 4 when he smashed a back window and jumped out.


Derian’s pants were torn off as he fled the car, which was traveling 40 mph on a freeway onramp.

He then forced his way into the catering truck and ordered the driver to take him to a store and buy him clothes.

The women called authorities from the store.

Derian had initially been arrested on suspicion of stealing items from a Newport Beach home.
