
U.S. War on Drugs Comes Home to Roost

I applaud the efforts of Dr. Phillip Leveque, one of the very few Oregon physicians willing to risk his reputation to help patients (“Medicinal Pot Is Doctor’s Specialty,” Sept. 4). Most MDs in Oregon are afraid that if they prescribe marijuana they will face the type of scrutiny that Leveque is currently facing.

All throughout the “medical marijuana” states, many of the most prominent doctors prescribing marijuana are being subjected to undue scrutiny. The state can develop guidelines but has absolutely no business evaluating the quality of the doctor-patient relationship.

Ray Carlson

Redwood City


The tragedy at the Rainbow Farms campground (“2nd Man Is Shot Dead in Campground Standoff,” Sept. 5) is just another example of the war on drugs gone completely out of control. Here we have a man who has his son taken away from him for the harmless act of smoking marijuana. When he protests, he and a friend are shot dead by FBI agents, without a trial or even an arrest.


Has the war on drugs come to this--that smoking marijuana is an offense punishable by death? I am shocked and appalled at the behavior of our federal agents, but perhaps I shouldn’t be surprised. After all, we kill people in other countries (like Colombia and Peru) for doing drugs, so why not here?

Adam Wiggins

Director, Neoteric

