
Davis Signs Bills on Partners, Tuition

Gov. Gray Davis made the right decision to sign into law AB 25, granting same-sex partners a number of basic rights (Oct. 15). This is a great step toward achieving equal protection and nondiscrimination for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. AB 25 reinforces families and positively strengthens the commitments of same-sex couples. With AB 25 taking effect on the first day of 2002, homosexual couples are finally starting to receive the necessary support they need to remain in committed unions.

Although there are still over 1,700 governmental protections offered to married spouses that aren’t afforded to domestic partners, it is important to applaud our state leaders for taking this important step, ahead of judicial mandate.

Samuel T. Holdren



On Oct. 12, The Times reported “Agencies Told to Prepare for 15% Cut” and “In-State Tuition OKd for Migrants.” It’s obvious the governor is courting the Hispanic vote, but rewarding illegal aliens who broke the law when they entered the U.S. is absurd! Why must an out-of-state U.S. citizen pay a higher tuition than a lawbreaker?


Cliff Shinn

Indian Wells


I’m not a rocket scientist, so maybe you can help me out. Davis says that the state must cut back spending by 15% because of energy debts and financial fallout. And he signs legislation to allow illegal aliens to attend state colleges at a reduced rate.

Are we cutting back services to aged and sick citizens to reward illegal aliens?

Edward V. Smith

Sherman Oaks
