
Judges Need Database to Disarm Felons

Re “Measure Seeks to Help Disarm Ex-Convicts,” Oct. 7: Sen. Jim Brulte’s (R-Rancho Cucamonga) bill creating a database of defendants who are prohibited from owning firearms serves the laudable goal of keeping guns away from dangerous people. However, Atty. Gen. Bill Lockyer unfairly takes a cheap shot at judges for supposedly not making efforts to confiscate the weapons at the time of a criminal conviction.

Defendants placed on probation are routinely informed by judges at their sentencing that they are not to own any guns, and if a judge knows that a defendant possesses a gun at the time of sentencing, the judge can declare the weapon a nuisance and order it seized and destroyed. However, judges must rely upon the attorney general or others in law enforcement to bring such information to their attention.

Judges are already doing all they can to disarm felons. Creating a database alerting law enforcement officers that a person who previously legally bought a gun has suffered a new conviction helps keep weapons out of criminal hands. Wrongfully shifting the blame and scapegoating judges is not the answer.


Michael P. Judge

President, California Public

Defenders Assn., Sacramento
