
Holy Land Foundation Serves Peace in Mideast

Re David Lehrer’s Sept. 28 letter critical of me and the Holy Land Foundation: It is regrettable that Lehrer attempted to portray me and our nation’s most prominent American Muslim charity in such a sinister light. Even more troubling than the accusatory tone of his letter, however, are his false claims about the Holy Land Foundation. The relief organization’s offices in Richardson, Texas, were not raided by FBI agents on Sept. 6. Lehrer’s false accusations are unfortunately representative of an established pattern of less-than-noble behavior by the Anti-Defamation League.

Lehrer’s claim that the Holy Land Foundation sends “monthly stipends” to the families of suicide bombers is cynical, disingenuous and hypocritical. The Holy Land Foundation helps sponsor several thousand Palestinian orphans with a meager $50 a month and abides by the credo that no child should be condemned to live without food, shelter, education or clothing, simply because of the actions of his or her relatives. Would Lehrer and the ADL prefer that these and other Palestinian children simply starve or become homeless on the miserable streets of Gaza? How would that serve the interests of peace?

Shame on Lehrer for using lies to push the Anti-Defamation League’s anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian agenda by smearing a reputable organization. And shame on The Times for publishing his misstatements without demanding proof of his serious allegations.


Riad Z. Abdelkarim

