
The Case of Carlos Vignali: An ‘American Tragedy’

The article on the pardon of Carlos Vignali (“Working the American System,” by Richard A. Serrano and Stephen Braun, April 29) should be titled “The American Tragedy.” It’s a sad day in America when a member of Congress, a U.S. attorney, a state senator, a member of the state Assembly, a county sheriff and a cardinal don’t have the common sense to find out what kind of individual they are recommending for a presidential pardon! While I am not surprised that politician after politician can only see the green of fat campaign contributions, was Cardinal Roger Mahony so detached from reality that he would not even bother to become acquainted with the individual whose case he thought needed to be “reviewed fully”? As for Antonio Villaraigosa, he saw no problem with this incredible lapse of judgment. How can he look voters straight in the face?

Nick Antonicello



With the right amount of money and the backing of civic leaders, Charles Manson would have been able to get clemency. Our legal system is merely a means of protecting the wealthy from facing responsibility for their actions. Perhaps it is time to change our laws to better reflect our times. Possession and distribution of cocaine should be a misdemeanor crime in amounts up to 500 pounds. This would free up valuable police time to concentrate on more important crimes such as jaywalking and theft of shopping carts by the homeless.

William Turner

