
Health Care Provider Casts Strong Safety Net

“Clock Ticks on Health Care Crisis” (Commentary, June 18) cited the Venice Family Clinic as the only safety-net provider for 17,000 uninsured Westside residents. For over 26 years Westside Women’s Health Center has served the Westside, seeing over 6,400 uninsured clients in 20,500 visits in 2000. Visits at the center have increased by 46% since 1998 with the addition of programs focusing on uninsured adults over the age of 50. The Westside Women’s Health Center provides services for all genders, ages 0 and up, through prenatal care, pediatrics, general medicine, reproductive health, family practice and adolescent health services.

We work in partnership with many organizations on the Westside, including the Venice Family Clinic, to better and more completely serve the residents of our Westside community.

Debra A. Farmer

Exec. Dir., Westside Women’s Health Center, Santa Monica
