
Jeffords Begins New Era for Senate

The Gingrich-Lott tyranny over the American electorate is finally over, and we can start Fourth of July celebrations early (“Senate’s Under New Management,” June 6). Newt Gingrich and Trent Lott epitomized worst-case democracy with their culture of corruption, hate, bigotry and betrayal.

We owe the final act of recovery to one man who stood up to their threats to our rights to be free and individual. Sen. James Jeffords epitomizes the very strengths of democracy with his efforts to restore a culture of integrity, morals, honor and ethics to all politicians in both parties. Jeffords’ actions [leaving the Republican Party to become an independent] are America’s latest profile in courage. He must be joined by the vast majority of politicians in both parties to bring our democracy back from the edge of the abyss.

I’m one of the many disenfranchised Republicans who hope we shall recover democracy of the people, by the people and for the people, to finally start this new century on track to regain the respect of the rest of the world by demonstrating again that our Constitution and Bill of Rights are stronger than the forces Gingrich and Lott represent.


Anthony N. St. John

San Diego


Our Constitution, with its system of checks and balances, has allowed one man, Jeffords, to follow his conscience to halt the direction in which a small group of men was leading our country, a direction disenfranchised Americans opposed. Jeffords has not betrayed the trust of Americans; he has restored confidence and certainty in the fact that our Constitution will not be violated, ever.

Ann Kennedy

Long Beach


Republicans have complained that Democratic control of the Senate was a “coup of one” and illegitimate. If so, then it is poetic irony that control of two branches of government has changed hands in post-election fashion. I guess we all have something to complain about now.

Joseph Neri

West Covina


Red rover, red rover, let Chafee come over!

Mike Lambert

Woodland Hills
