
Bush Is Responsible for Focus on His Daughters

I agree with Steven M. Gorelick (Commentary, June 3) that the Bush girls should be generally out of bounds when it comes to “youthful indiscretions.” Yet they can largely thank their father for the attention they are receiving. It was Bush who hid behind their skirts when giving the reason for concealing his own drunk-driving arrest.

Using his kids as an excuse for that bit of public dishonesty was a shoddy performance and, as it turns out, incredibly unfair to them. Pointing that up should be the duty of the press, not staking out a couple of kids from Texas.

Tom Hammond

San Juan Capistrano


Quoting a June 3 letter: “I don’t recall the Clintons having such trouble. Our children should have respectful, intelligent role models, not juvenile delinquents.” Was President Clinton such a moral role model? Good grief!


Jean Barraclough

Costa Mesa
