A Boy Scout’s Deed Draws Responses
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I have read William Lobdell’s article regarding the beautiful, kind, thoughtful work that the young Catholic Boy Scout from Brea, James McDaniel, has done for the graves of the Jewish veterans (“A Scout’s Good Turn for Jewish Veterans,” May 24). As a Navy vet of the Korean War era and also being Jewish, I found it very heartwarming. I may speak for the thousands of Jewish vets here in Southern California who also thank the young man for his sincere effort. Please have Lobdell call the McDaniel family in Brea and thank them for having raised a great kid. With such young men such as James, America’s future is in good hands.
Sheldon Sidlow
Mission Viejo
Would Scout James McDaniel place his Star of David markers on a Jewish grave if he found out any one of them were homosexual?
Patricia A. Crowell
Huntington Beach