
Building Character With Your Own Two Hands

John Balzar was right on with his ode to craftsmen (“If I Were a Carpenter,” Commentary, July 25). Students cannot know the rewards of skillful work unless they can experience it in high school. I have been educated beyond the doctoral level, but the high school courses that have provided me the greatest pleasure and saved me thousands in home repairs were drafting, wood shop and metal shop. Upon retirement, I enrolled in a community college auto-tech program and have converted two cars from gas to electric--the ultimate recycling. I have driven over 6,000 smog-free miles.

School districts continue to eliminate wood and metal shop, electrical, plumbing, drafting, home economics, culinary arts and auto-tech courses. Forget the testing craze and put back practical courses for all students. The students will learn and enjoy. Society will get its homes and cars repaired, and its fences mended.

Leo Galcher

San Clemente
