
Reader Offers an Idea for Mother’s Lawsuit

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Re “O.C. Sued by Mother of Slain Baby Boy,” July 13:

So, Shantae Molina has filed a lawsuit against the Orange County Sheriff’s Department for violating her civil rights while they were investigating her shooting her 8-month-old child.

Molina shot a gun four times, during the middle of the day, because she thought she heard a prowler in one of the safest communities in Orange County, if not the state of California.

She killed her child. I have cats, dogs, kids, utility company personnel, even skunks and opossums on occasion running through my yard, and have managed to live without a weapon for 46 years.


In the event the County of Orange pays a settlement to this woman for intimidating her, maybe she can use some of the money to set up a fund to fight daytime prowlers in her community, without having to shoot weapons.

Beverly L. Hanes-Simon

San Clemente
