
Making the Case for Counseling Programs

Your July 8 editorial makes a compelling case, applauding the Orange County Sheriff’s Department for promoting in-custody drug counseling and anger-management programs.

It makes sense that helping inmates address those problems that got them into trouble will lower the recidivism rate. Moreover, the in-custody drug-treatment program is a good solution for those defendants who do not qualify for Proposition 36.

Beginning this year, the Sheriff’s Department launched the innovative pilot program, BEST Choice, an intensive in-custody, 90-day-minimum, alcohol-and drug-treatment program.


I am an inmate participating in this program. I have a history of drug addiction with the concomitant legal problems. Over the years, I have felt hopelessness and despair over my drug addiction.

As a result of my treatment in the BEST Choice program, I have a sense of hope. I am developing effective living skills based on the AA 12-step program of recovery.

I would like to applaud Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona for addressing the debate of “treatment versus incarceration” by promoting a “hybrid” solution, BEST Choice, a treatment program within an incarceration environment. This is one step closer to solving how to treat drug addiction and reduce related crimes.


Boaz Balenti

