
Trust Was Misplaced in Deregulation of Energy

In reading “Tiny Transistors a Big Leap for Technology” [July 6] and “Reliant Discusses Earnings, Calls State’s Refund Claim ‘Absurd’ ” [July 7], I was struck by the differences that come to mind when I think of these two industries.

Our electronics-based technology industries have demonstrated a 50-year track record of providing ever-improving products at ever-better prices and quality.

What can be said for the energy industry: 50 years of providing the same product at ever-increasing prices and with ever-decreasing reliability?


Was deregulation supposed to create an environment analogous to the electronics industry, where competition and “best of breed” benefits all consumers? I suspect that is the vague notion most politicians had in mind when they voted for deregulation. But clearly, they didn’t know the players and never should have been willing to entrust them with a commodity carrying the critical impact of electricity.

Bob Gilberg

San Diego
