
Santa Rosa Road Troubles

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I am writing in response to a letter written by Daniel Nauman [“Dangerous Jogging Roads,” Dec. 16].

How dare Nauman attack [Paul] Bonds for jogging with his daughter on Santa Rosa Road. I have lived for many years just miles from the tragic accident scene, and my heart feels for Mr. Bonds.

We are a quiet community composed of many active people, in particular people who stable horses in their backyards. A system of trails runs throughout our community and like that unfortunate girl and her father, we sometimes must cross Santa Rosa Road. In the past couple of years this has become a scary experience, and not just for walkers, bicyclists, joggers and horseback riders.


At peak hours, it is virtually impossible to exit our neighborhoods, even in vehicles. Just because the 101 and 23 cannot handle traffic flow, does this mean it is all right for the citizens who live off Santa Rosa Road to suffer?

As it is, the already excessive posted speed limit of 55 mph is rarely followed, and many drivers treat Santa Rosa Road like the 101. Is it wrong to want to feel safe in our own neighborhood? The real residents of Santa Rosa stand behind Mr. Bonds.

Brooke DiPasquale

