
But Let’s Keep Our Minds on Football

Give it up, Bob Toledo! Everyone knows the real reason you didn’t bench Cory Paus for the USC game and it had nothing to do with “gathering information.” You let him play because you desperately needed a win to salvage your decaying season. The only thing unclear at this point is whether it was your integrity or your team that took the worst beating.

Rob Osborne

Redondo Beach


Shame on Coach Toledo and the Bruins for delivering a self-serving punishment to Cory Paus. Demotion to third-string is not enough; it should be to a few steps lower: off the team. Reinstate him next season, if he’s deserving. Win or lose, that would make this a team I could be proud of.

Barbara Dobkin

Los Angeles


Regarding Chris Dufresne’s article “Bruins Have No Reason to Go Bowling”: That’s a great message to send to the majority of the kids on the team who have busted their tails and kept their noses clean all year--the season hasn’t met expectations of greatness so they should all pack it up and quit. Punish the seniors who have played well and earned the right to play in a bowl and deprive the coaching staff of a couple of weeks in which to prepare the younger kids for next year.


Yeah, that’s the ticket. Just go home like a bunch of spoiled whining children because they might lose to Fresno State or whoever they’re matched against.

Talk about “playing not to lose” instead of playing to win. And to think Toledo’s play-calling has been criticized as too conservative?

Andrew Oshrin

Long Beach
