
Apartments to Transform Blighted Area

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A blighted section of residential North Long Beach will be redeveloped into a 90-apartment complex with a 6,000-square-foot child-care center and an outdoor play area, officials have said.

The Grisham neighborhood--an area along Peace Street, Ruth Avenue and 49th Street--will be transformed under a $20-million plan approved last week by the Long Beach City Council. The plan was billed as an ambitious effort by a nonprofit developer to remake an entire neighborhood, rather than one particular building.

The developer, the Los Angeles Community Design Center, says it will transform 26 buildings in the area into low-income rental units.


Public money will cover the about $9-million acquisition costs for the decaying apartments on the site. The rest of the cost will come from federal tax credits, a county grant, bank loans and private investors, officials said.
