
Advanced Photonix Gets Roche Group Order

Advanced Photonix Inc. in Camarillo, a supplier of silicon-based electro-optical products and technology to original equipment manufacturers, said it has booked a follow-on production order of $205,000 from the Roche Group for additional optoelectronic assemblies.

The order continues a four-year relationship between Advanced Photonix and Roche.

“We are in the process of numerous customer evaluations of our photonic technology, and we are optimistic with regard to broad market acceptance,” said Brock Koren, president and chief executive.

The custom photodiode is intended for use in Roche’s Miditron urinalysis system. The Miditron is a semi-automated urine test strip analyzer that links the data obtained without peripheral PC equipment.


The order was taken by Advanced Photonix’s German distributor, AMS Technologies GmbH.
