

Suicide Prevention Center at Didi Hirsch Community Mental Health Center needs volunteers to staff its 24-hour crisis line. Training is provided. Next training session begins Saturday. Information: Chuck Gubera, (310) 751-5373.

* Century City Hospital needs volunteers to assist at the information desk, help the nursing staff in patient care areas and provide clerical assistance. Those interested are invited to a volunteer open house on Oct. 5 at 2 p.m. Information: (310) 553-6211, Ext. 5222.

* Midway Hospital Medical Center in Los Angeles needs volunteers to assist at the information desk, help the nursing staff in patient care areas and provide clerical assistance. Those interested are invited to a volunteer open house on Oct. 13 at noon. Information: (323) 932-5409.


* Venice Family Clinic needs bilingual volunteers (fluent in English and Spanish, Russian or American Sign Language) to assist the medical staff in providing care to people who have no other access to such care. Volunteer physicians are also needed. The clinic has offices in Venice and Santa Monica. Information: Craig Fleishman, (310) 664-7621.

* Airport Marina Counseling Service, a nonprofit outpatient clinic in Westchester, needs volunteers to perform secretarial tasks and answer telephones. Information: (310) 670-1410.


Information for this column should be submitted typed and double-spaced to Involvement Opportunities, Health, Los Angeles Times, 202 W. 1st St., Los Angeles, CA 90012.
